WeLink International Film Festival

WeLink International Film Festival

2018 WeLink国际电影节


Our Purpose 宗旨
This allows for greater communication and exchanges between foreign and domestic television and film professionals. No matter where we come from, we all share passions for: film, television and media.

Host unit   主办单位
The Organizing Committee of WeLink International Film Festival in cooperation with United Nations Multimedia Guild of the UNSRC

[ WeLink International Film Festival ]
2018WeLink 国际电影节标识,缩写 WLIFF

Founder & Permanent Honorary Chairman  创始人&终身荣誉主席

Li Qian Kuan  李前宽


   Li Qiankuan outstanding talent and extensive influence in the Chinese film, he was elected chairman of China Film Association and president of China Film Foundation, was named "China has made outstanding contributions to the film artist."

As a leading figure in the Chinese film industry, Li Qiankuan served as Chairman of many domestic and foreign film festivals. He was keen to do film public welfare undertakings.  Contributed to the State Council policy paper entitled "Ten Measures on Prospering the Development of China's Film Industry", and made an important contribution to promoting the development of China's film industry. He planned and implemented a "10,000-school, linked film screening program" for schools in impoverished areas in western China so that millions of impoverished children in the mountains could see excellent films. He participated in the planning of the "Asian Film Awards", "Macau Film Forum" and "Beijing International Film Festival" and so on. He is a well-known movie artist in China


Honorary Chairman  荣誉主席

Xie Fei   谢飞  


     Xie Fei is a world-recognized Chinese film director.  His film works received many international awards such as the Golden and Silver Bear awards. He is currently a professor in Beijing Film Academy


Chairman  主席



Vice Chairman  副主席

Mei Changkun  梅长锟


     The Vice Chairman of 2018 Welink International Film Festival

      Changkun Mei is a senior jury of the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards. His movies Yes, Sir and A Teacher of Great Soldiers have upheld the records for longest running feature films in Taiwan. Yes, Sir has become a pop culture resemblance and a great franchise as well as a box office success in the past 30 years, as its 8 th installment will be releasing shortly. Mei also directed many blockbusters like The Black White Pearl, The Confucius, School Days, Attack Force Z, and among many other films over a 40-year span of his filmmaking career. In Attack Force Z, Mei worked closely with international stardoms Mel Gibson and Sam Neill. Director Mei received a literature  award for his outstanding performance in adapting a screenplay in 1999.

     Chang Kun Mei , is the Taiwan Golden Horse Award’s jury members,he dedicated his own life to the movie and take care of many filmmakers,also did a lot of popular movies,like《Yes,sir》1~8.Now,he decide to cultivate new talent making more high quality movies.


Vice Chairman  副主席

Hou KeMing  侯克明

  侯克明,北京电影学院导演系教授、 博士研究生导师。兼任教育部、文化部、广电总局全国中小学生影视教育协调工作委员会秘书长;国家广电总局电影审查委员会委员;中国儿童电影学会会长;中国台港电影研究会副会长 ;中国电影家协会理事;中国电影基金会理事;中国动画学会常务理事;中国电影导演协会会员;中国电影表演学会会员;北京影视家协会理事;第9、11、12届中国电影“华表奖”评委;第11、12届中国电影“童牛奖”评委;第16、18届中国电视“金鹰奖”评委;第19、20届中国电视节目“星光奖” 评委;第26届中国电影“金鸡奖”评委。      

      He is the professor of the directing department of the Beijing Film Academy; The chairman of the China Children’s Film Association and the President of China International Children’s Film Festival. As a producer and director, he has made over 20 feature films. As a jury member for the China Hua-biao Film Awards and the Golden Rooster Awards, Hou has also been a jury member of several film festivals.


Vice President  副主席

好莱坞导演Ronald Krauss

  罗纳德毕业于斯瑞克斯大学。他是做TVC,MTV为惠特尼休斯顿等著名歌星等拍过MTV,获得众多奖项。1998年他拍摄了第一部短片《Puppies for sale》此片获得柏林,西班牙等20多个电影节的奖项,1998年又被迪士尼买下了第一个短片版权《小美人鱼》,并在美国院线上映。2000年他创作了《RAVE》也获得了多项国际电影节奖。他改编了当年的畅销书《心灵鸡汤》并创作了电视剧,在全美主流电视网播出,接着他拍摄了《外星猎人》从而迅速成为好莱坞新星编剧和导演。

    Upon graduating Syracuse University, Ronald Krauss received first break working for Roger Corman at his legendary Venice Beach Studio. There he would learn all aspects of movie-making, and eventually was given his first directing opportunity there. Thereafter, he spent his 20's working on advertisements and music videos with Lit, Nas, Luca, Whitney Houston, Guns and Roses and Joe. His work won him recognition and a number of awards but it was his first short film, Puppies For Sale (1998), starring Jack Lemmon that got him critical acclaim. Written and Directed by Krauss, the film won the Bronze Gryphon at the Giffoni Film Festival, The Crystal Heart at the Heartland Film Festival and "Best Short Film" in more than twenty other film festivals worldwide, including, The Berlin International, Rimouski International, Palm Springs International and the Aspen Film Festival, The film was licensed to Disney Studios and became one of the first short films in many years to be shown theatrically accompanying the special re-release of Walt Disney' Pictures The Little Mermaid (1998). Puppies For Sale was an opportunity for Ronald to get personal sharing his own life experiences as someone who overcame life's obstacles and challenges at an early age. These same themes would become the basis for all of Krauss' work to follow. Soon after, he wrote and directed his first feature film, Rave (2000) continuing to receive critical acclaim winning "Best Picture" and "Audience Choice" awards from film festivals worldwide. He also made his way into TV writing and directing his first major network series Chicken Soup For The Soul (2000), starring Martin Sheen and Charles Durning, based on the national best selling books, His follow-up film, Alien Hunter (2003), starring James Spader, was also highly successful, making Krauss one of Hollywood's fast rising and most sought after writer and directors.


Vice President  副主席

Yang BuTing 杨步亭


      Mr. Buting Yang is the Chairman at China Film Production International. Mr. Yang is the Chairman at China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association and Supervisor China Film Foundation and is Former President and the Chairman at China Film Group Corporation.


Vice President  副主席

Zhang Xun  张恂

   张恂是中国电影合作制片公司总经理,负责中外电影合拍片的管理,协调和服务。她负责过 30 多部故事片宣传和发行,其中包括《太极大师》,《卧虎藏龙》,《 龙旋风(上海正午)》,《唐伯虎点秋香》,《武状元苏乞儿》,并且还监制了上百部故 事片,其中包括《希望》,《云水谣》,《云中铁路》。

     Zhang Xun, former President of CFCC, is in charge of administration, coordination and services of Chinese-foreign film co-production. she served as the manager of the publicity division of Beijing Film Studio, Manager of the publicity and distribution department of China Film Co-Production Corporation and the director of the production management department of China Film Group Corporation.



Ye Zi  叶子


  致力于东西方文化交流,策划过许多中外文化交流的活动,推动中华文化走出国门,融入世界,也多次将西方的优秀艺术团队带进中国。特别是2013年9月与中国大剧院合作,由中国银行独家冠名赞助的《中国之美,世界看见》大型音乐会,更是轰动中美两国的华人及热爱中国文化艺术的外国人。对此,CCTV和中国的主要媒体,以及美国的华文媒体也做了大量的报道。2013年11月带领团队将中国海润集团出品的小成本电影《对不起,我爱你》全球首映礼搬到了联合国总部。早在90年代初就开始作为电影人参与了东南亚电影工作,其中电影《回归》,荣获亚太电影节大奖;与日本NHK电视台合作的电影《乡愁》,荣获鹿特丹国际电影节最受观众欢迎奖和亚洲电影促进联盟奖。 2010年作为出品人之一参与了美国和越南的电视剧《野心》,同时作为故事片《Don‘t Burn》的编剧之一,该片荣获2010年度越南最佳影片奖和最佳剧本奖。2011年30集电视剧《A2Z Problem Fixer》的编剧和出品人之一,


New York State Governor: Andrew Cuomo 纽约州长酷默                    

New York City Mayor: Bill de Blasio 纽约市长白思豪

New York City Public Advocate: Letitia James 纽约市公益维护员瞻慕思

Congresswoman: Grace Meng 国会议员孟昭文

Congresswoman: Nydia Velasquez 国会议员维乐贵丝

Congressman: Dan Donovan 国会议员丹诺文

New York State Senator: Jesse Hamilton 州参议员韩文顿

New York State Assemblyman: Peter Abbate 议员白彼得

New York State Assemblyman: William Colton 议员寇頓

New York City Council: Mark Treyger 议员崔马克

Manhattan Boro President: Gale Brewer 曼哈顿区长

Brooklyn Boro President: Eric Adams 布鲁伦区长

The Organizing Committee of WeLink International Film Festival in cooperation with United Nations Multimedia Guild of the UNSRC