[Women in Film] Forum was created by Ira Houston, the funder of Welink International Film Festival, November 21, 2016.
[Women in Film] WIF in abbreviations, it is a non-profit institution.
WIF forum is a platform mainly face to international female filmmakers.
WIF forum is a platform for female filmmaker from the world to gather here to learn from each other, bring featured film, documentary film done by woman filmmaker, bring all concerned issues to this forum. As well as issues of female social status, professional skills, and film educations have been addressed on WIF forum.
WIF forum was first time held in the 62nd United Nations commission on the Status of Women congress in the United Nations headquarter, New York, March 15, 2018, Ramu Damodaran is Chairman, Zoe Chang, Women Association of UN, is the host of WIF.
delegates from the United Nations conference on the Status of Women, women filmmakers in different countries, attendants also including representatives of United Nations officials, WIF forum has fully supported by the UN commission on social status of women.
WIF forum has been officially announced as a permanent forum in the session of the United Nations commission on the Status of Women from 2018.
2019 Welink International Film Festival will be held from March 12th. – 15th.2019, WIF Forum will be hold on March 14th.2019.
美国创始人Ira Houston(中文名字:叶子) 合影 作为第62届联合国妇女地位委员会内容之一的女性电影人(Women In Film)论坛,引起了不同凡响,在联合国女性地位委员会大会的62届历史长河中,首次将女性电影人的电影行业地位提到了全球女性地位大会上讨论,这无疑是对电影工业中女性的权益,地位,以及行业技能的提高等等是一个莫大的关注,这个论坛首次在联合国女性地位大会上第一次开启就得到了来自世界各地的女性的高度关注,女性电影人{Women In Film}论坛从这届联合国女性地位大会开始,成为了联合国女性地位大会的永久性论坛,作为女性电影人(Women In Film)论坛未来也将在不同地区,不同国家开启全球性的论坛,该论坛将更高度的关注贫困地区的女性和儿童的保护和权益,致力于推动女性用电影呼吁国际社会,支持女性电影人,帮助女性电影人去影响世界,让贫困地区的女性走出落后,拒绝暴力,拒绝性侵,维护女性尊严。希望有更多的女性电影人加入到论坛中,让女性电影人的人生经验激励女性自强不息,成就每个人心目中的自己,走出事业的辉煌。论坛创办人IraHouston说“首届女性电影人(Women In Film)论坛的成功举行,也奠定了女性电影人( Women In Film)论坛未来一定是一个极具国际影响力的论坛,因为今天的女性电影人的地位虽然有了很大的提高,但是依然不是天花板的高,我们有必要告诉世界,电影需要女性电影人,女性需要电影行业,电影事业,电影工业属于男性,也同样属于女性!” 联合国联合国公共咨询部主管RamuDamodaran担任论坛主席,中国著名导演李前宽、肖桂云夫妇受邀作为特别嘉宾出席论坛并发表讲话,近百位来自世界各地的电影人参加。联合国女性协会Zoe Chang主持论坛。 Ramu Damodaran, Chairman of WIF Forum RamuDamodaran表示,很高兴看到中国女性电影制作人在国际上得到的荣誉。女性的经济与社会地位的不断提升,希望以后有更多女性参与电影制作,世界各国的电影人能有更多合作与交流,共同促进电影事业的繁荣。 Joe Chang, Host of WIF Forum Ira Houston, CEO, Welink Media Group Zoe Chang感谢了WeLink传媒集团董事长、WeLink国际电影节创办人之一人Ira Houston对女性电影人的肯定和支持,强调女性电影人在电影产业中的作用,女性电影人论坛 (Women in Film)在联合国举行,让来自世界各地的女性电影人团聚在这里,共同讨论与交流电影行业中女性的作用。通过首届女性电影人讨论推广和提供的女性电影人带着他们的电影作品在联合国女性地位大会期间在纽约当地上映,同时也在女性电影人论坛上发言讲述了她们各自从事电影创作和制作过程中的艰辛历程。 Farida Merkhamitkyzy, Kazakh female director 来自哈萨克斯坦的女导演 Farida Merkhamitkyzv表示,哈萨克斯坦电影已有七十多年历史,女性在电影制作上得到过不少成就,尤其是2016年的一部由女导演Aliya制作的《回母亲怀抱》在世界多个电影展上获奖。她相信,“只要有女性在,没有任何事是解决不了。” Isable Raventos, Female filmmaker & Audio-visual media association, Span 来自西班牙的 IsabelRaventos表示,“女性电影人和音像媒体协会”(CIMA)的成立就是为了进一步推动电影界男女平等的局面。今年在被誉为西班牙“奥斯卡”的Goya电影颁奖上,众多女性电影人也形成了合力纷纷为女性发声,呼吁消除性别歧视,让女性充分参与到电影制作的各个环节,促进西班牙电影业更加蓬勃发展。 Jessica Williamson, American Documentary Producer 在美国纪录片制片人Jessica Williamson看来,近期好莱坞的各种“性丑闻”事件刚好证明了好莱坞一直以来对女性的压迫。 来自巴西的媒体人Luana Lobo指出,在巴西只有10%的城市有电影院,44%的巴西人没有机会接触到这类文化产品,另外,70%的电影业掌控在白人男性手里,所以她和一些志同道合的人士希望开创新媒体,把电影带给更多的人,同时也希望女性和其他各族裔都能够加入到电影行业中。 Maria Edstrom, Swedish Film Academy 来自瑞典的Maria Edstrom表示,瑞典政府近年来一直在推动女性参与电影行业,在瑞典电影学院总裁Anna Serner的带领下,女性在该国电影业行列比例已经大大提高。 Xiao Guiyun, First generation Chinese female Director 中国第一代女导演肖桂云说:“中国文化历史悠久,我们的责任是把中国优秀文化带出国门。”在第二届WeLink国际电影节上,肖桂云就带来了一部戏剧电影《韩玉娘》。她表示,女性导演能更好地塑造人物性格,通过电影向观众传递自己想传达的信息,“没有女性电影业者,就没有电影。” 论坛现场来自美国的女导演发言 论坛现场 论坛现场 论坛现场 论坛现场 论坛现场 论坛经费来源: 1.会员费; 2.参会费; 3.捐款; 4.政府资助,企业赞助; 5.在论坛业务范围内开展活动或服务的收入; 6.论坛资金的利息; 7.其他合法收入。 经费的使用: 论坛所有的经费应用于实现论坛宗旨,且在本章程及其相关细则规定的范围内使用。 财务管理 遵守国际公认的会计准则及财务法规,确保所有会计资料合法、真实和完整。 每年应由具有国际认证资格的会计师事务所对论坛的账目进行审计。 论坛正式职员保险、福利及其它待遇,可参照相关行政法规。 章程修改程序 章程修正案应由秘书处提交给理事会审议,并由会员大会批准; 章程修正案在会员大会通过后生效。 | As an non-profit, an open international organization for women filmmakers, Forum aims to promote exchanges, coordination and cooperation among international women filmmakers based on the United Nations conference on the Status of Women with the theme of equality, international and women filmmakers' rights and interests worldwide. Jointly resist unfair treatment of female rights in film industry, improve the education of the film industry for female filmmakers, and at the same time, WIF forum welcome all filmmakers and filmmakers from other developing countries, enhance the social consciousness of female filmmakers and their dedication for the film industry, increase international cooperation. WIF Forum Objective: In order to achieve the above prospects, WIF will strive: To provide a dialogue platform for an international female filmmakers, to promote cooperation and mutual communications, more understanding and deepen international filmmaking, promote the relationship of partnerships; To response to the growing film industry the status of the female filmmakers, unfair treatment and so on, WIF like to discover and clarify more point of view from female filmmaker around the world, and giving more help and more support. To enhance mutual understanding among filmmakers across cultures and increase their sense of responsibility to the international female filmmaker community. To create a good environment, let a female filmmakers who is seeking to be more in the process of growth and progress of extended vision, especially some backward countries and regions, where still has no female filmmakers there. WIF Forum will eliminate poverty, support women educations, looking forward the first female filmmaker from those regions who can stand on WIF Forum in the near future, let more people know unknown terrified poverty. To foster and enhance the concept of the international strategic alliance for women filmmakers; To develop the potential of women filmmakers held different regional filmmakers training and forum. Membersof the Forum board of directors have reached a consensus that WIF Forum annualconference is usually held in mid-march during the United Nations conference onsocial status of women. As a beneficial supplement to the international cooperation of filmmakers, WIF Forum will make a very important contribution to the better play of their organizations in the film industry, to build up more diversified cooperation space, to promo female filmmakers. This constitution is formulated in accordance with WIF Forum declaration and the established charter guiding principles for female filmmaker. Chapter I general provisions Name: Women in Film, WIF in abbreviations Properties: WIF Forum is an non-government orgnization, non-profit, dated and domiciled international organization in the united states. Objective: 1. Based on the United Nation HQ in New York, promote and deepen international exchanges, coordination and cooperation among female filmmakers; 2. Provide a high-level professional dialogue platform for cooperation, social issues, environmental and other related issues for female filmmakers, film experts and scholars; 3. In order to expand opportunities of financing film project, educational training, workshops, WIF will provide services to bridge between members, non-members and government, enterprises, academia. Legal jurisdiction: Abide by American constitution, laws and regulations of the United States, and respect the social morality and customs from different regions. Site: New York City is the permanent home of WIF Forum headquarters. WIF registered address: 708 Third Ave. 6 Floor, New York NY 10024 USA 1. Hold annual conferences, seminars and other academic seminars to discuss the difficulties, problems and needs of women in film production, including important issues in the fields of investment, filming, employment and working environment; 2. Initiate regional or global initiatives to promote and strengthen cooperation among women filmmakers in film production and investment; 3. Tracks trends affecting global and regional cinema, particularly the production and production of women filmmakers. 4. To identify problems that may affect the development of female filmmakers; Collect and release relevant information and summarize cooperation opportunities; 5. Through the work network established by WIF Forum, international women's films can be further connected with each other. 6. To establish and become an internationally influential film research and training center for women filmmakers, inviting film experts to provide them with advanced film production experience and technology; 7. Independently or cooperatively carry out various activities such as film exhibition, information exchange, film review, education training and e-commerce for female filmmakers who are conducive to the realization of WIF Forum purpose. 1. WIF Forum has full and informal membership. Sponsor member, honorary member, diamond member and platinum member are full members; Ordinary members are informal members. 2. Sponsored membership means all WIF Forum activities, including former political leaders, celebrities and non-profit organizations in the decision-making process, sent by the 30 sponsor countries according to the quota allocated by each country (2 for each country); 3. Honorary members refer to individuals, enterprises and organizations that have made important and substantial contributions to the creation and development of WIF Forum; No more than 10 honorary members; 4. Diamond membership and platinum membership means the individuals, enterprises and organizations that participate in all WIF Forum activities including the decision-making process and whose applications have been approved; 5. Ordinary members refer to individuals, enterprises and organizations whose applications have been approved for the purpose of attending and observing WIF Forum annual meeting and other activities. Membership conditions: 1. Willing to join WIF Forum; 2. Agree to abide by WIF Forum regulations; 3. Has a certain impact in the field of work; 4. Willing to perform BBS membership obligations. Add: The applicant shall submit a written application in accordance with the procedure prescribed by WIF Forum, which shall be examined and approved by WIF Forum. Membership rights: (I) full members shall enjoy the following rights: 1. WIF Forum members' right to speak, vote and the right to vote and stand for election of council members; 2. To advise on WIF Forum annual meeting and other activities; 3. Attend WIF Forum annual meeting; 4. Direct exchanges with government, business and film academic leaders are preferred; 5. Obtain the information provided by WIF Forum and, with authorization, give priority to the economic information database of WIF Forum website; 6. Seek cooperation through WIF Forum established work network; 7. Ask WIF Forum for help with "filmmaking"; 8. Commission WIF Forum to hold seminars on issues of concern; 9. Commissioned WIF Forum to conduct market analysis and legal consultation on its film business development plan; 10. Entrust WIF Forum to recommend or train talents in the industry; 11. First of all, WIF Forum has the right to host or sponsor all kinds of activities; 12. Authorized to enjoy the naming right of " WIF Forum member of female filmmakers"; 13. Other powers granted by the WIF Forum governing council. However, if full members are entitled to articles (7) to (10), WIF Forum will charge an appropriate fee. (ii) ordinary members shall enjoy the following rights: 1. Attend WIF Forum annual meeting; 2. Obtain the information provided by WIF Forum and use the economic information database of WIF Forum website with authorization; 3. Seek cooperation through WIF Forum established work network; 4. Priority to participate in WIF Forum related business activities; 5. Entrust WIF Forum to recommend or train talents; 6. Other powers granted by the WIF Forum governing council. Membership obligations: Membership obligations include: 1. Compliance with and implementation of WIF Forum S resolutions; 2. Comply with WIF Forum rules and regulations; 3. Attend member conference and WIF Forum related activities on time; 4. Protect the legitimate interests of WIF Forum; 5. Pay membership fee according to WIF Forum; 6. Provide authentic and reliable data and information to WIF Forum; 7. Other relevant obligations stipulated by Forum council. Membership withdrawal: Members have the right to withdraw; When a member decides to withdraw from WIF Forum, it shall notify the secretary-general of WIF Forum in writing 2 months in advance. Upon receipt of written confirmation by the secretariat, its membership shall be deemed to be terminated. WIF Forum will refund the fees paid by its members as follows: 30% of the membership fee will not be refunded once the notification is received. The remaining 70% of the membership fee will be refunded according to the length of membership. If a member resigns in the first year, the remaining 70% of the membership fee will be refunded in full. From the second year on, return 1/12 each year in turn If any member commits any illegal act or loses contact with WIF Forum for more than two years, the secretariat shall have the right to terminate its membership with the consent of the council, provided that such member shall be notified in advance and such member shall have the right to request a hearing. 组织机构: 论坛的主要组织机构如下: 1.论坛会员大会; 2.理事会; 3.秘书处; 4.电影研究培训院; 5.电影咨询委员会 会员大会: (一)会员大会为论坛的最高权力机构,每年举行一次。会员大会由论坛秘书处负责筹备,有关会议事宜应提前通知所有会员。 (二)因不可抗力未能将召开会议的通知送达某一或某些会员的,或某一或某些会员因故未能参加会员大会,在符合法定人数的情况下,不影响会员大会的进程。 (三)会员大会的权力: 1.审议通过论坛章程或章程修改议案; 2.选举理事会理事; 3.通过由秘书处提交并经理事会审议的年度工作报告和年度预算; 4.讨论会议议程中规定的其它事项; 5.讨论由正式会员提出的其它书面建议,该建议应由至少四分之一正式会员签署,并在会前两个星期提交论坛秘书处。 (四)会员大会决议由参加大会的全体正式会员多数通过。 (五)会员大会主席由理事长担任。如果理事长不能出席,应委托副理事长或一位其他理事代替其行使职责。此外,应在正式会员中产生若干联合主席。 会员大会法定人数及投票: 出席会员大会的法定人数为全体正式会员人数的三分之一。 所有正式会员在会员大会或会员大会特别会议上均有投票权。投票采取举手表决的方式,或经至少三名正式会员或一名理事会成员的要求采取不记名投票的方式进行表决。根据会员大会所制订的有关规则,允许会员指定代表进行投票。 会员大会特别会议: 在会员大会闭会期间,理事会有权根据四分之一以上正式会员的书面提议,召开会员大会特别会议,讨论不能延至下届会员大会处理的有关紧急事项。 论坛理事会: 1.理事会为会员大会的最高执行机构,向会员大会负责; 2.理事会理事由论坛正式会员在会员大会上以多数通过方式产生。 3.理事会每年举行一次会议,与会员大会同期在论坛总部所在地举行。 4.经三名以上理事提议,多数理事同意,理事长可应召开理事会特别会议。 理事会组成: 论坛理事会由十一名理事组成,理事会的任期为3年 1.七名理事从发起会员和基础会员中产生,可连选连任; 2.两名理事从荣誉会员中产生,可连选连任; 3.论坛秘书长和来自东道地的代表为理事会当然理事; 4. 理事会理事人数经会员大会批准后可进行增减。 理事长和副理事长: 1.理事会设理事长和副理事长; 2.理事长和副理事长由出席理事会会议的三分之二以上理事选举通过产生,候选人的产生,要注意地理区域均衡的原则; 3.副理事长由东道WeLink国际电影节组委会中代表担任; 4.第一届理事长及副理事长任期为3年,可连选连任。 5.如若理事长因故无法担任其职务,副理事长应担任代理理事长,直至下一次理事会会议;该会议选举出的理事长之任期应为前任理事长余下之任期。 论坛理事会的职责: 理事会的职责包括: 1.对整个论坛的活动监督和管理; 2.审议由秘书处向会员大会提交的论坛年度工作报告和年度预算; 3.任命论坛秘书长和副秘书长; 4.审议论坛章程修改议案; 5.批准论坛重大的规章制度; 6.决定会员大会的召开,并审议通过会员大会议程; 7.会员大会授权的其他职责。 理事会决议的产生: 除本章程和有关规则另有规定外,理事会决议由出席理事会会议的全体理事以多数通过并生效。每个理事有一个投票权。 理事会也可采取非会议形式对论坛重大问题或紧急事项做出决议。 理事长职责: 理事长职责应为: 1.主持理事会会议和会员大会; 2.监督有助于实现论坛宗旨、促进论坛利益的中、长期计划和项目的制定; 3.经理事会授权,可代表论坛签署非协议性的、非约束性的和非行政性的往来文书和函件; 4.向会员大会报告理事会的工作; 5.行使理事会赋予的其他职责。 副理事长职责: 协助理事长行使职责; 在理事长不能履行其职责时,代为行使理事长职责; 行使理事会赋予的其他职责。 秘书处: 秘书处为论坛常设执行机构,其职责如下: 1.负责论坛所有会议的筹备; 2.执行会员大会和理事会的决议; 3.准备论坛年度工作报告和年度预算,提交理事会审议; 4.负责论坛资金筹措和运作; 5.负责起草或修改论坛的规章制度,并报理事会批准; 6.负责会员入会、退会、日常联络等相关服务; 7.在电影研究培训院的协助下,组织起草并发表与论坛业务相关的电影预测;待研究培训院运转正常,这一职能就转移到研究培训院; 8.在电影培训院的协助下,负责为论坛年会、研讨会及其它专题会议提供电影资源; 9.在电影研究培训院的协助下,为会员和其它合作方提供电影人力资源培训; 10.在电影研究培训院的协助下,负责建立全球范围内电影工作网络及信息交流中心; 11.负责理事会委托的其它事务; 12.协助理事长履行其职责。 秘书长: 秘书长为论坛的首席执行官并领导秘书处,任期5年,经理事会批准可延任。其职责如下: 1.负责论坛的日常事务,对外代表论坛; 2.负责主持除论坛会员大会及理事会会议之外的论坛所有会议; 3.执行理事会批准的规章制度; 4.聘用、提拔及解聘秘书处职员; 5.提出调整秘书处职能部门或论坛办事处的议案,报理事会审议批准; 6.负责执行理事会委托或授权的其它事务。 副秘书长: 经理事会决定,论坛设副秘书长若干名。副秘书长可由秘书长提名,并由理事会任免。如其他理事提名副秘书长,在提交理事会批准之前,应得到秘书长同意。副秘书长任期五年,经理事会批准可延任。 副秘书长职责: 1.协助秘书长处理有关日常事务; 2.在秘书长无法履行其职责时,代为行使秘书长职责; 3.受秘书长委托或授权处理其它事务。 秘书长、副秘书长职务终止 秘书长和副秘书长在下列情况下终止职务: 1.提前三个月向理事长提出书面辞呈; 2.理事会会议三分之二以上理事通过免职决议,在此情况下,其有权要求举行听证会; 3.无法履行其职务; 4.受到刑事处分。 电影研究培训院 电影研究培训院是论坛重要的支持机构。 电影研究培训院院长通过公开招聘后,由秘书长提名,理事会任命。 咨询委员会: 1.论坛设咨询委员会,由发起国的主代表组成; 2.咨询委员会视论坛需要不定期举行工作会议,就与论坛相关的重要事务提出咨询和建议; 3.咨询委员会成员没有报酬,但其受论坛委托从事与论坛相关事务的除外。 解散程序; 论坛的解散应按照以下程序进行: 1.论坛解散议案在经理事会审议后,提交论坛会员大会; 2.会员大会根据上述议案,做出解散论坛的决议; 3.解散论坛的决议须通知美国注册机关。 论坛在解散之前,应根据国际惯例和美国法律法规设立清算委员会,对论坛资产及债务进行清理。 论坛资产在偿付债务和退还会员费后,如有剩余,则应在注册机关的监督下,捐予或用于发展与本论坛宗旨相关的事业。 章程细则 本章程未尽事宜在相关细则中加以规定;该细则经理事会批准后生效。 语言 本论坛的正式语言为英文和中文。 解释 本章程的解释权属论坛理事会。 生效 本章程2016年11月21日在纽约联合国WeLink国际电影节闭幕式上通过。 |