罗纳德毕业于斯瑞克斯大学。他是做TVC,MTV为惠特尼休斯顿等著名歌星等拍过MTV,获得众多奖项。1998年他拍摄了第一部短片《Puppies for sale》此片获得柏林,西班牙等20多个电影节的奖项,1998年又被迪士尼买下了第一个短片版权《小美人鱼》,并在美国院线上映。2000年他创作了《RAVE》也获得了多项国际电影节奖。他改编了当年的畅销书《心灵鸡汤》并创作了电视剧,在全美主流电视网播出,接着他拍摄了《外星猎人》从而迅速成为好莱坞新星编剧和导演。
Upon graduating Syracuse University, Ronald Krauss received first break working for Roger Corman at his legendary Venice Beach Studio. There he would learn all aspects of movie-making, and eventually was given his first directing opportunity there. Thereafter, he spent his 20's working on advertisements and music videos with Lit, Nas, Luca, Whitney Houston, Guns and Roses and Joe. His work won him recognition and a number of awards but it was his first short film, Puppies For Sale (1998), starring Jack Lemmon that got him critical acclaim. Written and Directed by Krauss, the film won the Bronze Gryphon at the Giffoni Film Festival, The Crystal Heart at the Heartland Film Festival and "Best Short Film" in more than twenty other film festivals worldwide, including, The Berlin International, Rimouski International, Palm Springs International and the Aspen Film Festival, The film was licensed to Disney Studios and became one of the first short films in many years to be shown theatrically accompanying the special re-release of Walt Disney' Pictures The Little Mermaid (1998). Puppies For Sale was an opportunity for Ronald to get personal sharing his own life experiences as someone who overcame life's obstacles and challenges at an early age. These same themes would become the basis for all of Krauss' work to follow. Soon after, he wrote and directed his first feature film, Rave (2000) continuing to receive critical acclaim winning "Best Picture" and "Audience Choice" awards from film festivals worldwide. He also made his way into TV writing and directing his first major network series Chicken Soup For The Soul (2000), starring Martin Sheen and Charles Durning, based on the national best selling books, His follow-up film, Alien Hunter (2003), starring James Spader, was also highly successful, making Krauss one of Hollywood's fast rising and most sought after writer and directors.